BOD Resolution 03-2015NQHĐQT announcing the new joint-venture company 18 September, 202012 January, 2015 by Phạm Ngọc Thái BOD Resolution 03-2015NQHĐQT announcing the new joint-venture company Download File
BOD Resolution 20-2014NQHĐQT approving the resignation of BOD member 18 September, 202026 December, 2014 by Phạm Ngọc Thái BOD Resolution 20-2014NQHĐQT approving the resignation of BOD member Download File
BOD Resolution 19-2014NQHĐQT announcing the result of public offering 18 September, 202024 December, 2014 by Phạm Ngọc Thái BOD Resolution 19-2014NQHĐQT announcing the result of public offering Download File
BOD Resolution 18-2014NQHĐQT approving the 9M2014 business performance and Q4-2014 plan 18 September, 20206 November, 2014 by Phạm Ngọc Thái BOD Resolution 18-2014NQHĐQT approving the 9M2014 business performance and Q4-2014 plan Download File
BOD Resolution 11-2014NQHĐQT announcing 1H2014 business performance and 2H2014 plan 18 September, 20206 August, 2014 by Phạm Ngọc Thái BOD Resolution 11-2014NQHĐQT announcing 1H2014 business performance and 2H2014 plan Download File
BOD Resolution 09-2014NQHĐQT announcing the bank credit 18 September, 202014 July, 2014 by Phạm Ngọc Thái BOD Resolution 09-2014NQHĐQT announcing the bank credit Download File
BOD Resolution 08-2014NQHĐQT approving the revision of charter 18 September, 202010 July, 2014 by Phạm Ngọc Thái BOD Resolution 08-2014NQHĐQT approving the revision of charter Download File
BOD Resolution 04-2014NQHĐQT announcing Q1-2014 business performance and next 9 months 2014 plan 18 September, 202024 April, 2014 by Phạm Ngọc Thái BOD Resolution 04-2014NQHĐQT announcing Q1-2014 business performance and next 9 months 2014 plan Download File
BOD Resolution 02-2014NQHĐQT announcing the listing shares on HOSE 18 September, 202026 February, 2014 by Phạm Ngọc Thái BOD Resolution 02-2014NQHĐQT announcing the listing shares on HOSE Download File
BOD Resolution 01-2014NQHĐQT announcing 2013 business performance and 2014 plan 18 September, 202022 January, 2014 by Phạm Ngọc Thái BOD Resolution 01-2014NQHĐQT announcing 2013 business performance and 2014 plan Download File