BOD Resolution 13-2012NQHĐQT announcing the record date to shareholders for dividend payment 18 September, 20204 May, 2012 by Phạm Ngọc Thái BOD Resolution 13-2012NQHĐQT announcing the record date to shareholders for dividend payment Download File
BOD Resolution 12-2012NQHĐQT announcing the issuance of shares to pay dividend for FY2011 18 September, 202016 April, 2012 by Phạm Ngọc Thái BOD Resolution 12-2012NQHĐQT announcing the issuance of shares to pay dividend for FY2011 Download File
BOD Resolution 11-2012NQHDQT announcing the record date to shareholders for 2012 AGSM 18 September, 20203 March, 2012 by Phạm Ngọc Thái BOD Resolution 11-2012NQHDQT announcing the record date to shareholders for 2012 AGSM Download File
BOD Resolution 10-2011NQHDQT announcing 2012 plan 18 September, 202028 December, 2011 by Phạm Ngọc Thái BOD Resolution 10-2011NQHDQT announcing 2012 plan Download File
BOD Resolution 02-2011 NQHDQT announcing the trading of treasury shares 18 September, 202021 March, 2011 by Phạm Ngọc Thái BOD Resolution 02-2011 NQHDQT announcing the trading of treasury shares Download File